Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciences

About the Journal

 Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciences (PJSCS)of Social Sciences is aninternational research journal which is published by the (Innovative Research Strategies the issues of Social science and is committed to providing open access to all its published content. The journal welcomes teachers, researchers, scholars from across the globe to contribute to contemporary understanding of various social sciences disciplines. Bear in mind that the themes are not restricted to these areas and may be expanded to cover all aspects of social sciences if the articles advance significant contributions to the discipline. The journal aims at providing a platform for academic discussion in social sciences and assists in publishing interdisciplinary content with international collaborations.

Aim and Scope

Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciencesis an international academic research journal and is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality research articles in social science and its related disciplines. The journal has a worldwide audience. The journal’s goal is to explore the social science research through publish the international and national level topics.

The journal is published Bi-annual (02 issues) and covers a wide variety of topics including (but not limited to):

The major disciplines covered by PJSCS are:

  • Social Sciences
  • Archeology
  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Disaster Economics
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Defense& Strategic Studies
  • International Relations
  • Psychology including Clinical, Industrial,
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Rural Development Studies
  • Social Work
  • Criminology
  • History
  • Demography and Population Studies
  • Education
  • Special Education
  • Peace & Conflict Studies
  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Area Studies
  • Development Studies
  • Journalism
  • Mass communication
  • Media Studies
  • Rural / Urban Studies
  • Women Studies

Other themes related to the above or emerging topics will also be considered.

  1. Publishing Platform/ Website

Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciencesdevelops and maintains its own online submission and peer-review website. We also run several platforms to offer different types of services to research scholars.

  1. Publishing Operations

2.1. Triaging—filtering of papers upon submission by internal staff and editorial board members.

2.2. Organization of peer-review— Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciencesprovides a high degree of assistance to Academic Editors so that they can only focus on editorial decisions. We employ in-house editors to invite reviewers, collect review reports, communicate with authors and reviewers, correspond with authors about revision, etc.

2.3. Production—including copy-editing, typesetting, copy-editing XML and PDF conversion, and language editing. Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciences provides excellent quality English editing for all accepted papers, included in the APC.

2.4. Proofreading—corresponding with authors to approve the final text and requesting any missing information.

2.5. Indexing & archiving— Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Scienceshas a team dedicated to indexing relations that advise on the eligibility of a journal for application to be indexed in different databases. Our team communicates closely with the contact persons at the different databases and receives regular updates on the status of applications. We dedicate time to keep ourselves up to date on any changes in the evaluation criteria or application procedure.

  1. Marketing and Communication

Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciencespromotes its journals and articles through sponsorships of conferences, scholarly society events, and other promotional activities, as well as a series of awards to support researchers.

  1. General

4.1. Social Scienceincludesthe topics related to social issues and all social topics regarding all social science will be included. Corresponding authors are advised to contact the editor of the journal about account information, once a manuscript is accepted for final publication. 

Note:Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Scienceswill no longer officially blacklist authors who withdraw their manuscripts before the completion of the peer-review process. However, using peer-reviewed resources without the intent or ability to publish is very problematic and has serious consequences (Withdrawal Policy) for the authors. Before submitting, please make sure you have the necessary funds to pay the APC if accepted.


Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Section A: Formatting Guidelines

File Format: Manuscript files can be in the following formats: DOC or DOCX. Microsoft Word documents should not be locked or protected.

Length: (Write here the paper length, Like 20-30 like other journal demand) double spaced Letter-sized pages. All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with page 1, the title page.

Headings: Limit manuscript sections and sub-sections to 3 heading levels. Make sure heading levels are indicated in the manuscript text.

Font: Use “(12)Times New Roman” as the font style and size of body text should be 12pt and size of first, second and third level should be bold 14, 13 and 12 respectively.

Language: The language of the manuscript must be English.

Abbreviations: Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum.

Footnotes: Those in the text should be numbered consecutively. Footnotes to the title or authors of the article are marked by asterisks and placed on the title page.

Table and Figures: Tables and figures should be numbered serially, and legends to illustrations should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables and figures will be placed near their first mention in the text; all tables and figures must be referred to in the manuscript. Follow the instructions given in the document of APA 7TH Edition.

Section B: Guidelines about Manuscript Organization

Title Page: The following elements must be included:

  • Title of the article;
  • Name(s) and initial(s) of the author(s), preferably with first names spelled out;
  • Affiliation(s) of author(s);
  • Footnotes to the contribution title;
  • Name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

 Abstract: Each article is to be preceded by a succinct abstract, of up to 250 words, that highlights the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper.

Key Words: To identify the subjects under which the article may be indexed, (Decide keywords in Number) 6-10 keywords should be provided.

Introduction: Clearly state the basis of your study along with background information and a statement of purpose. This should provide the context of the study.  It should briefly describe the research work that has already been conducted in that particular field. It should clearly state the purpose/objective of the research work/study. The introduction must emphasize the significance of the research, and how the research being undertaken in different from the pre-existing work

Literature Review and Theoretical Framework: Present the critical review of the relevant studies and properly identify the research gap that is being filled by your study. Properly give a theoretical ground on which your present study is based.

Data and Methodology: Include a clear and concise description of the study design, experiment, materials, and method of statistical and econometric analysis.

Results and Discussion: Present the results. Simply present the results of the experiment and the results of the statistical analysis. Data listed in tables should not be listed in the results; instead, refer to the table. Interpret and discuss the results of the study and its implications.

Conclusion: Give a brief summary of your research.

References: The use of EndNote is encouraged for reference management, but this is not necessarily mandatory. Use APA 7TH Edition for proper citation and references.

Reference Types In-text Reference List
Book with Single Author (Gore, 2006) or Gore, (2006) Gore, A. (2006). An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.
Book with Two Authors (Michaels & Balling, 2000) or Michaels & Balling, (2000) Michaels, P. J., & Balling, R. C., Jr. (2000). The satanic gases: Clearing the air about global warming. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
Book with Editor as Author (Galley, 2004) or Galley, (2004) Galley. K. E. (Ed.). (2004). Global climate change and wildlife in North America. Bethesda, MD: Wildlife Society.
Book &ebook with DOI (Ewert et al., 2014) or Ewert et al. (2014) Ewert, E.W., Mitten, D.S., & Overholt, J.R. (2014). Natural environments and human health. CAB International.
Brochure or Pamphlet (New York, 2002) or New York, (2002) New York State Department of Health. (2002). After a sexual assault. [Brochure]. Albany, NY: Author.
An Anonymous Book (Environmental Resource Handbook, 2001) or Environmental Resource Handbook, (2001) Environmental resource handbook. (2001). Millerton, NY: Grey House.
Articles in Reference Books (Greenhouse effect, 2005) (Schneider, 2000) Greenhouse effect. (2005). American heritage science dictionary. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Schneider, S. H. (2000). Greenhouse effect. World book encyclopedia (Millennium ed. Vol. 8, pp. 382-383). Chicago, IL: World Book.
Magazine Articles (Allen, 2004) or Allen, (2004) (Begley, 2007) or Begley, (2007) Allen, L. (2004, August). Will Tuvalu disappear beneath the sea? Global warming threatens to swamp a small island nation. Smithsonian, 35(5), 44-52. Begley, S., &Murr, A. (2007, July 2). Which of these is not causing global warming? A. Sport utility vehicles; B. Rice fields; C. Increased solar output. Newsweek, 150(2), 48-50.
Newspaper Articles (unsigned and signed) (“College Officials”, 2007) (Landler, 2007) College officials agree to cut greenhouse gases. (2007, June 13). Albany Times Union, p. A4. Landler, M. (2007, June 2). Bush’s Greenhouse Gas Plan Throws Europe Off Guard. New York Times, p. A7.
Article with DOI (Washington, 2014) or Washington (2014) Washington, E. T. (2014). An overview of cyberbully in higher education. Adult Learning26(1), 21–27.
Article without DOI (Moody, 2019) or Moody (2019) Moody, M. S. (2019). If instructional coaching really works, why isn’t it working? Educational Leadership, 77(3), 30–35.
Journal Article with two authors (Bogdonoff& Rubin, 2007) or Bogdonoff& Rubin, (2007) Bogdonoff, S., & Rubin, J. (2007). The regional greenhouse gas initiative: Taking action in Maine. Environment, 49(2), 9-16.
Journal Article with more than one author (Miller-Rushing, Primack, Primack, &Mukunda, 2006) Or Miller-Rushing, Primack, Primack, &Mukunda, (2006) Miller-Rushing, A. J., Primack, R. B., Primack, D., &Mukunda, S. (2006). Photographs and herbarium specimens as tools to document phonological changes in response to global warming. American Journal of Botany, 93, 1667-1674.
Journal Article from a Library Subscription Service Database with a DOI (Mora & Maya, 2006) Or Mora & Maya, (2006) Mora, C., & Maya, M. F. (2006). Effect of the rate of temperature increase of the Dynamic method on the heat tolerance of fishes. Journal of Thermal Biology, 31, 337-341. doi: 10.101b/jtherbio.2006.01.055
Website (United States Environmental, 2007), Or United States Environmental, (2007) (Gelspan, 2007) Or Gelspan, (2007) United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2007, May 4). Climate Change. Retrieved From the Environmental Protection Agency website: Gelspan, R. (2007). The Heat Is Online. Lake Oswego, OR: Green House Network. Retrieved from The Heat Is Online website:
Webpage, no date, (Athletics New Zealand, n.d.) or Athletics New Zealand (n.d.) Athletics New Zealand. (n.d.). Form a new club.
YouTube video or other streaming video (MSNBC, 2020) Or MSNBC (2020) MSNBC. (2020, January 7). Julián Castro endorses Elizabeth Warren [Video]. YouTube.
Conference paper (Mason &Missingham, 2019) Or Mason &Missingham, (2019) Mason, I. &Missingham, R. (2019, October 21–25). Research libraries, data curation, and workflows [Paper presentation]. eResearch Australasia Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Note: You can download these instructions in PDF format. Privacy Statement Information provided at Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciencesjournal of social science site by authors such as names, email addresses, contact, etc. is used for this journal only. No information at any level is ever used for any purpose other than already mentioned and shared with any other party as per the journal’s privacy policy. Plagiarism policy    As per HEC Contact Email ( ye bna lain. Research Agency

Editorial Team

Editor-in- Cheif: Dr. M Nadir Shahzad
Editor: Dr. Abdul Qayoom
Managing Editor: Dr. M Usman

Journal Info

Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Social and Cultural Sciences
Subject Area & Subject Category: Social Sciences
Country: Pakistan
Language: English

About the Journal